Hope and Toilet Paper

Hope and Toilet Paper

I’d like to share Thursday’s wonderful experience of “being in line for toilet paper”. Over the past several weeks people have been watching the number of cases with Corona virus increase while the numbers on the stock market decrease. I offer that this is a time to...
The History of Ha-Cha-Cha

The History of Ha-Cha-Cha

Just this past summer I walked in to find out how my crew and I could get our Kayaks taxied up the river for a glorious day of paddling. I walked in and there was a familiar face. With a cheerful voice this young lady asked, “Are you the Ha Cha-Cha lady”? I responded,...
Fear Activates

Fear Activates

Fear is a Liar- Unless you recognize Fear as the signal to take action to survive. Fear is the signal that awakens the will to survive. In my women’s self defense class I use the book by Gavin De Becker “The Gift of Fear and Other Survival Signals that Protect Us From...
Hermenabelle Accepts Mandate to Empower kids

Hermenabelle Accepts Mandate to Empower kids

Well it happened. About 2 years ago there was a rumor that all of the States were being encouraged to require schools to teach students, starting with kindergarten, about sexual abuse.  Well now it’s a fact, Senate Bill 401- Greater Education Act recently had a...

Playing with Marshmallows Lead to Great Bonds

On February 23, seven mothers and twelve girl scouts found out team work is so much more than a word. Using their own individual strengths (follow ship, leadership, encouragement, creativity) on a wet Saturday morning these future ladies of success found out that in...