I said to her “Masked heroes used to look like Zorro or the Lone Ranger but you are the example of today’s heroes”. To read more go to BondShannonBond.com/blog
In line again, and no it was not for toilet paper.
I was on an errand for the hubby to get motor oil, 6 cases.
Behind me in the checkout line was, what can only be described as, a modern-day hero. She had already been scoffed at by some other shoppers. I even heard one young woman tell, what was most likely her little brother, not to stare.
Always looking around, taking attendance and checking my six, I saw her and smiled. She said “I’m not sick. I work in a hospital in the cancer unit and I just don’t want to take a chance of getting sick and then getting them sick too. They have very weak immune systems and I just want to be cautious. “
We talked for a moment and then it came to me. “You know what you are?” I asked. “You are an example of today’s masked heroes. You are a caretaker for people who, without your support, expertise care and encouragement would be lost. Even now, away from the hospital, you are caring for them. Masked heroes used to look like Zorro, the Lone Ranger or Batman, but you are the example of today’s heroes who are caring for those who are unwell. You just have a different mask”.
She laughed and allowed me to take her picture so I could share this moment with others.
Please remember in your thoughts and prayers all of those who are going to work daily, wearing masks and giving care while possibly putting themselves in harm’s way.
Oops! I didn’t ask her name. Who was that masked person?
I said to her “Masked heroes used to look like Zorro or the Lone Ranger but you are the example of today’s heroes”.

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